IQ City Medical College Hospital-OBGYN & Pediatric

About IQ City Medical College Hospital-OBGYN & Pediatric

Over years, IQ City Medical College Hospital has successfully performed variety of major surgeries/procedures at the fully equipped Operation Theaters. With the latest ICU services, the hospital is highly specialized in invasive and non-invasive cardiac treatments by eminent Cardiologists and Cardiac surgeons of international and national repute. Thousands of diagnostics tests in various disciplines can be performed round the clock in-house with the help of high-end instruments. One of the unique features of the hospital is the Radiology unit. One of the most advanced units in West Bengal with latest technologies in 128 Slices Spiral CT Scanner, High-Resolution Color Doppler, Ultrasound Machines and portable & stationary X-ray machines. The state-of-the-art Burn Unit, Accident & Trauma Center, Blood Bank and Pharmacy are the significant features of this Multispeciality Hospital.

Obstetrics and gynecology is the medical specialty that deals with normal and complicated pregnancies (Obstetrics) and problems of the female genital tract (Gynaecology).

The department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of IQ City Medical College Hospital offers the full spectrum of Women’s Health Care Services and provides advanced treatment and care of all, from teen to women, through pregnancy to menopause and beyond.



  • Normal Pregnancy
    • Pre-conception care
    • Ante Natal care
    • Normal Labor and Delivery
    • Caesarian Section
  • Complications of Pregnancy
    • Diabetes Mellitus
    • Post- Caesarian pregnancy
    • Recurrent miscarriage
    • Pre-term labor
    • Third trimester bleeding
    • Hypertension, pre-eclampsia and eclampsia
    • Multiple pregnancy
    • Premature Rupture of Membranes
    • Post-term pregnancy
    • Postpartum hemorrhage
    • Postpartum infection


  • Abortion/ miscarriage
  • Infertility
  • Abnormal and Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding
  • Urinary Tract Infection
  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
  • Vaginal Infections
  • Pelvic Masses (Fibroid, Ovarian tumour)
  • Endometriosis
  • Contraceptive counseling
  • Hormonal Replacement therapy (HRT)
  • Cervical Dysplasia and Cancer
  • Cancers of reproductive tract organs (Ovary, Uterus)
  • Uterine/ Pelvic organ prolapse
  • Urinary incontinence


Obstetrics Care

  • Pre-conception care
  • Ante Natal care
  • Management of High-risk Pregnancy
  • Management of Medical Disorders in Pregnancy
  • Caesarian Section
  • Pre & Post Delivery Counseling


  • Adolescent Health Care
  • Safe Abortion Services
  • Reproductive Endocrine Care
  • Menstrual Disorder Management
  • Infertility Treatments
  • Menopause Disorder Management
  • Advanced Pelvic Endoscopy Surgery
  • Uro gynaecology
  • Contraception & Family Planning



Children constitute a major portion (40%) of the general population and this group, ranging from newborn to adolescence, comprise of a very wide spectrum of problems and requirements. Paediatrics is not only care in illness but also health care and promotion. Dealing with children calls for a lot of empathy, good communication skills and social awareness.

We, at the department of Paediatrics, IQ City  Medical College Hospital, strive to cater to these diverse problems in a customized manner, right from newborn period upto 18 years. Our highly qualified and dedicated team of doctors give their best to provide state-of -the-art medical service to our little patients, with utmost sincerity and loving care.

The Paediatric Department provides all-round care to the little ones through its outdoor clinics and indoor wards, including intensive care units.


This department is geared to meet all the health requirements of children and face all the challenges of Paediatric management.

We are particularly proud to proclaim that our primary focus is the well-being of children. We promote rooming-in, early initiation of breast feeding and exclusive breast feeding in newborns.

Our 8-bedded NICU is equipped with all modern gadgets, including adequate number of LED Phototherapy machines, vital monitors,Open Care systems, CPAP and ventilators to treat the critically ill newborns.

The PICU is well equipped to handle all paediatric emergencies with confidence.

Various paediatric surgeries including intestinal surgeries and neuro-surgeries are being regularly performed here.

The multi-disciplinary team comprises of Psychologist, Speech Therapist, Physiotherapist and Special Educator, under the able guidance of a Developmental Paediatrician. This is a much needed unique facility provided here for the first time in Durgapur – Asansol area.


  1. OPD services
    1. We provide out-patient services through General Clinics from 9am-5pm, which is attended by all our senior Paediatricians.
    2. Specialised clinics are also run concurrently to attend to specific problems in children, viz.:
      • Paediatric Surgery
      • Asthma Clinic
      • Paediatric Cardiology clinic
      • Well-baby clinics
      • High-risk Newborn Follow-up clinic
      • A multi-speciality Neuro-development clinic
  1. Indoor Services
    1. Paediatric indoor services include general Paediatric ward of 90 beds and a state-of-the-art 6-bedded Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU).Our dedicated team of physicians and nurses give their best to provide round-the-clock care to all patients ranging from minor ailments to critically ill children, chronic diseases to acute crisis. We are always there to support, explain and reassure the anxious parents, because we understand your concern and apprehension.
    2. Paediatric Surgery Unit: Our Paediatrioc Surgery team is performing all types of neonatal and Paediatric surgeries.
    3. Neonatal Services include
      • Special baby Care Unit (SBCU)for minor problems in the babies born in our hospital. Here basic treatment is provided for the baby’s ailments and they are closely monitored by our expert team.
      • 8 beddedstate-of-the-art Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) for very sick newborns where all facilities for intensive care with modern gadgetry and round the clock speciality care by specially trained Neonatologists and nurses is available. We cater this service to babies born in our hospital as well as out-born babies.
      • Post-natal wardwhere the healthy in-born babies are kept at the mother’s bedside, under close supervision of our special staff. We fervently promote close bonding with mother and breast-feeding, to promote best possible growth and development of the newborn.
      • Well-baby clinicto regularly follow up the babies even after they go home, to foster support to the growing child and the mother as well as provide all immunization. We provide a unique customized immunization system, where the indigent can get all the Govt approved vaccines free of cost, while those who opt for the extended immunization program (IAP schedule) can get the extra shots on payment.
      • High-risk Follow-up Clinicfor the sick babies run by a Developmental Paediatrician, where regular specialized follow-up is done to detect any neuro-developmental delay at the earliest and start Early-Intervention therapy. We are proud to pioneer in providing this specialized service in this part of the district.

Information: Board Certified: Y  |  Board Eligible: Y

Specialties: Hospital Others

Office Address:

Sovapur , Bijra road
Post office - Jemua
West Bengal
Phone : +918170009494
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